You will take notice that Larry Quesenberry, the purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No. 3310316 Larry Quesenberry THE INDEPENDENT HERALD To: ERIC OXFORD, PHILLIP OXFORD, BONNIE OXFORD, ERIC OXFORD, PHILLIP OXFORD, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, lienholders, co-owners, other parties having an undivided interest in the delinquent property, and other parties that may have any interest in the subject property. West Virginia State Auditor's Office County Collections Division 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Building 1 Room W-118 Charleston, West Virginia 25305 Cert No. Pill & Pill, PLLC, SubstituteTrustee BY Richard A. TERMSOF SALE: Ten percent (10%) ofthe purchase price as a cash deposit with the balance due and payablewithin 30 days of the day of the sale. TheSubstitute Trustees shall be under no duty to cause any existingtenant or person occupying the property to vacate said property, andany personal property and/or belongings remaining at the propertyafter the foreclosure sale will be deemed to constitute ABANDONEDPROPERTY AND WILL BE DISPOSED OF ACCORDINGLY. TheWest Virginia Housing Development Fund or its designee may purchasethe property at any sale. Pursuant to the terms of said deedof trust, the Substitute Trustee(s) may postpone the sale by public announcement at the time and place designated for the sale. Theproperty will be conveyed in an "AS IS" condition by Deedcontaining no warranty, express or implied, subject to all propertytaxes, prior Deeds, liens, reservations, encumbrances, restrictions,rights of ways, easements, covenants, conveyances and conditions ofrecord in the Clerk's office or affecting the subject property. Thissale is made subject to any special assessments, unpaid taxes,easements, conditions, reservations and restrictions affecting theaforesaid real estate. Hedrick by deed dated Jand recorded in theOffice of the Clerk of the County Commission of Kanawha County inDeed Book 2977, at page 283. Beingthe same property conveyed to Steven R. 39 and two ten(10) foot strips adjoining and making a total frontage of twenty (20)feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue. 40 and all of a strip of land 10 (ten) feet wideon the eastern side of Lot No. PARCELTWO: Allof a strip of land ten (10) feet wide on the western side of Lot No.39 adjoining Lot No.

38, fronting a total offorty (40) feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue as shown on therevised Map of Shrewsbury Sub-Division of record in the Office of theClerk of the County Commission of Kanawha County, West Virginia inMap Book 5, at page 140. Albans, WV 25177 and being more particularly bounded anddescribed therein as follows: PARCELONE: Beingthe easterly twenty (20) feet of Lot No. Albans District, KanawhaCounty, West Virginia, togetherwith easements, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging,and at the time of the signing ofthe Deed of Trust it was reported that the address was 2821 MadisonAvenue, St. McCormick, Trusteedated July 7, 2017, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of theCounty Commission of Kanawha County, West Virginia, in Trust DeedBook 4250, at page 916 and re-recorded in Trust Deed Book 4272, atpage 312, by which was conveyed to said Trustee(s) the hereinafterdescribed real estate to secure the payment of a certain promissorynote set out and described therein, and default having been made inthe payment of said note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee(s)having been appointed Substitute Trustee by an Appointment ofSubstitute Trustee dated March 15, 2019, and having been requested inwriting by the holder of said note, will sell to the highest and bestbidder on at 5:34 p.m., at the front door of thecourthouse of Kanawha County, West Virginia, the real estate conveyedby said deed of trust and situate in St. NOTICEOF TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtueof the authority under that certain deed of trust executed by TimothyL.